375 East Hwy 6
Alvin , Texas  77511



Welcome to the Wagon page. Below are few pictures of the different wagons that Dad makes. Everyone of them are made by hand including the spoke wheels. If you would like more information on them you may call and ask to speak to Robert or send us an E-Mail and we can send you a brochure in the mail. Click on the images below for a larger view.
The first three images show what you get with a plain wagon and how it can be broken down into three different types of wagons. The third image shows what your wagon looks like assembled. You may wish to remove the bed to make it a buckboard wagon or even remove the floor to make a lumber wagon.  

Lumber Wagon
Oak construction with
ballbearing wheels and
steel tires

Buckboard Wagon
14" front / 20" rear wheels. 18"x42" floor

Complete Farm Wagon
Comes with seat & tongue

Complete Oak Wagon
Stained and finished with
3 coats of polyurethane

Cowboy Gun Cart
holds 5 long guns
with tool box

Painted Wagon
John Deere colors with
pin stripes

Painted Gun Cart

Covered Chuck Wagon
ready for trail   w/brakes

Covered Oak Chuckwagon
made completely of red oak
finished with stain & 3 coats of polyurethane
gun rack, tool box, cover, & step

Alvin Express Wagon
18"x36" bed of red oak,
steel undercarriage w/ 10" pneumatic tires.

Same Express wagon
but with your childs name in place of Alvin

Express Wagon
-Safety Features-
Steel undercarriage. Automotive Type steering.  All brass screws-no staples

 Ryan Express wagon
Only 50 made. 7"x16.5"
autographed by Nolan Ryan

Rocking Horses
Made of oak and pine
Leather main and tail

Just showing a few in stock

We also sell Martin bird houses.

Ready to hit the trail

Different angle of above gun cart

Lets go for a ride

pulling baby brother

Master at work



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Copyright © 1999 Wendels Tool Rental Inc.
Last modified: April 16, 2002